Quest 25 - FABLE • Rosy & romantic, gilded & tea stained
Image by Markus Erhard
Pages of old books
Photo by Mariola Zoladz
Texture, warmth, a little wear & tear
Photo by Mariola Zoladz
Rosy & romantic, gilded & tea stained
Photo by Bernadeta Kupiec
Drama & aged paper Tools
Photo by Bernadeta Kupiec
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Pages of old books: well-loved, full of texture and warmth
and a little wear and tear here and there. Familiar as childhood tales told at bedtime, each chapter is like a worn-in pair of corduroys. Fable Presets elicit memories of your favorite tales, brought to life in 3 distinct Chapters, each telling a different story, but part of the same anthology.
Fable Presets also include 15 preset tools, an appendix of supplemental material that adds to the drama, texture, and tone of folktales and stories. The included grain mimics the texture of book paper, subtle from afar yet tangible upon inspection.
“I loved this set so so much! The earthy, vintage tones are just heavenly and they go on so easily with even just a one-click approach. The greens in Chapter 03 give you the perfect forest shade and I especially love the Drama AI preset to deepen the background and draw more attention to my gorgeous subjects. There’s so much variety in the set and all the AI elements give you so much control in exacting perfectly what you want in your final image...”

Photo by Raini Rowell // Edited with Fable 01 & Aged Paper

Photo by Gabrielle Desmarchais // Edited with Fable 01 & Water Stain

Photo by Raini Rowell // Edited with Fable 03 & Aged Paper
“As soon as I applied Fable to an image I could already tell it’s going to be one of my go to presets.
The set comes with three variants which give you a warm, cool and natural look, in and of themselves these presets feel polished and expertly calibrated, using the profile slider allows further granular control of the strength of that preset so that I can dial in the perfect amount for the look I want to achieve.
The tools that come with set really are making the most of the Lightroom’s AI capabilities in a very intuitive way. I’m currently editing a session from a forrest and this set could has come at the perfect time.”