Quest 22 - GLACIAL • Inspired by the majesty & scale of the ice giants
Image by Lieben Foto
Inspired by Snow & Ice
Photo by Lieben Photography
Balanced skin tones, colorful landscapes
Photo by Grzegorz Krupa
Glacial tonality + brilliant color
Photo by Lieben Photography
Dynamic & Vibrant
Photo by Lieben Photography
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Inspired by the ice giants whose majesty and scale inspire all those
who lay eyes upon them, Quest 22 delivers beautiful glacial tonality mixed with brilliant color for a one of a kind set of presets. Using the power of AI, this set has been designed to balance skin tones with brilliantly colorful landscapes, giving the user vibrant results without sacrificing accuracy where it’s needed. Included are 3 colorful variations, each designed to work with the other for a cohesive experience. Lastly, the Glacial profile gives further control over dynamics, producing consistent results over a wide body of work.
“Quest 22 brings rich-vibrancy, deep blacks and pushed highlights resulting in lively, attention-commanding images. AQ22 i & AQ22 iii offer a deep coral blue chill, pushing color intensity while maintaining golden skin-tone hues. AQ22 ii offers a warmer variation with more emphasis on honey-brown/ slightly red-ish undertones (my personal favorite!).”

Photo by Nalica Story // Edited with Glacial 01

Photo by Nalica Story // Edited with Glacial 02

Photo by Giovanni Sorìa // Edited with Glacial 03
“Quest 22 has a clean crisp look. It’s perfect for maintaining skin tones and balancing vibrant colours. I can really see this set being a favourite with wedding and portrait photographers. The set comprises of three presets, they have great tonal range and balanced skin tones with AQ (ii) & (iii) being respectively warmer and cooler variants of AQ (i). ”